Friday, November 1, 2013

The Simple Joys

Last night after work, I ran home to shower and get dressed up for Halloween. Growing up, we were never allowed to celebrate Halloween, so dressing up is kind of a big deal for me. I had no desire to fuss over an outfit or be surrounded by a bunch of drunk people dressed as slutty nurses and scary zombies.

Wrapped in a towel, hair wet, staring at my outfit choices on my bed (Steve Zissou or Suzy Bishop- can you tell I like Wes Anderson films?), my gaze wandered out the window to the evening sky. The sun was about to set and the mountains were wearing caps made out of clouds. Suddenly I felt very claustrophobic. I needed to be outside, to feel the wind in my hair and the chill on my skin. I threw on my Patagonia sweater and a headband, grabbed my headlamp and bear spray and off I went to Club360.

As I drove to my secret hiking spot, I rolled down the windows and blasted bluegrass music through my speakers. I felt so alive, like I was back in North Carolina with Tucker and Dan. When I got out to my secret spot on top of Club360, I opened up my journal and looked at my 360 degree view of the Cascade Mountain Range. The song of the creek below bubbled in my ears. After texting with Crashmead for a little while, I looked up and spotted the first star of the night. I had to smile at the joy it brought me. This was so much better than trying to make new friends at a crowded brewery.

I drove home that night, but didn't feel like my adventure in the outdoors was over. Before falling asleep, I set my alarm to go off a little earlier than normal. This morning, I sleepily filled my mug with some French press and walked through fields of hoarfrost to Matt's grave. I sat and reflected on the life of my dear friend for a bit before heading over to pay my respects to Kyle, Joel, Prissy and Scott.

As I watched the sun rise over the cemetery, took in a deep breath of cold mountain air and sipped my hot coffee, I allowed a smile to spread across my face. I might have to sit at a desk for the rest of my day, but I can rest assured that I took advantage of my time outside of work and spent it doing what I love to do most: Being outdoors surrounded by God's creation appreciating the simple joys in life.

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