Last week, Daddy woke up with excruciating pain in his neck. He never complains, but you can see how badly he is hurting by the way he holds his head in his shoulders, making his neck disappear, almost like the character of Gru in
Despicable Me. We took him to the doctor only to discover what we already knew: He had herniated another disc and needs surgery.
We postponed the surgery so my mom and I could make our voyage down to Santa Barbara in order to pack up my belongings, meet with my lawyer and attend my best friend's wedding. Just prior to the trip, my doctor had removed my cast, which was beginning to feel like a permanent part of my body. My bed had also become like a new growth to my body, so having the cast removed and being placed in a walking boot was a HUGE relief. I still could only spend 5-10 minutes on my feet, but at least I was in a vertical position!

The morning we were supposed to leave for SB, my dad is sitting in the kitchen researching something online. I am in the kitchen cooking him food for the week and my mom is fussing around the house trying to get everything packed and ready to go. I remember teasing my dad about not throwing too many pillows at the cat (especially since a week before when we finished lunch in town, he stood up and exclaimed, "Hurry! Let's get home so we can throw more pillows at the cat!"). After I finished my sentence, my mom's phone rings and my sister is on the line. She wants to know if she should take work off and come down to California with us. My mom assures Kaylee that missing work is not an option, but while she is talking, something in my dad's head clicks. She hangs up the phone and my dad announces, "I'm going to come with you."
Food I made for Dad while we were away. It's still in the fridge... |
An hour later, the three of us are getting into the family Suburban and making our trek down to my home.
The trip was rushed. I didn't get to see nearly as many people as I wanted to see, but I was able to attend my best guy friend's wedding, which was stunning. While home, I saw almost all of my roommates who have lived in that apartment: Sophia, Mavel (and her new baby!), Amy and Dana. I wanted to go by the gyms and the shoe store, but trying to hobble around in a boot is not easy plus I didn't have a ride most of the time. Still, being in the area just felt like home. I'm going to miss that apartment so much!
So weird to leave | | |
Me with Baby Asher |
Marie was by far the most beautiful bride I have ever seen |
Fifty boxes of junk later, I realized I tend to use half a lotion bottle before opening a new one. I also keep every letter ever written to me. My bookshelves are filled with issues of
Runner's World and books from my college days. Two shoe boxes are overflowing with flashcards from anatomy, human physiology and biomechanics classes. I have a problem with hanging onto absolutely everything.
Things you find when you're moving. Hahahaha |
Somehow, my parents were able to get everything loaded and put away. I was so blessed by their willingness to deep clean my apartment, always a smile plastered to their faces. They never complained, never became impatient. I have been so blessed by them for everything they have done for me, especially since I was hit by the car.
Three of my favorites in SB: Backyard Bowls |
Jeannines |
Los Agaves |
We headed back up the coast after spending three days packing and cleaning in the heat. Along the way, I was able to see two of my cousins as well as one of my dearest friends. Annie was in San Lois Obispo, Renee in San Francisco and Jack in Redding. We drove the coast up and I was able to see Big Sur and Santa Cruz for the first time. I even saw the apartment complex my parents first lived in as a married couple! So cool! It was 117 degrees while we were on the road, so I was grateful for the air conditioning.
My cousin Annie |
Elephant Seals! |
Coolest car ever |
My owl got to travel with us |
Love seeing Jack! |
Chocolate milk: Not just for kids |
Yesterday was my first day walking without my boot. I have pitted edema, so it is difficult to get my foot in a shoe and it sort of hangs over the edge. The walking is clumsy and uncoordinated. I have a slight limp and a bit of pain, but I am walking, which is a huge miracle! My physical therapist was beaming when he saw me yesterday. He was so excited to get me moving and strengthening the tendon.
I truly have been blessed by everyone I have come across during this process. I still receive letters and e-mails from my class participants at Killer B and the YMCA. Thank you for your well wishes! My friends in Santa Barbara have been so intentional about staying in contact and I appreciate that so much. My lawyer has been absolutely wonderful and totally on top of things, which is good because I have no idea what I'm doing. My family has been entirely selfless and have sacrificed so much for me: money, plans, dreams, time... I cannot even find the words to thank them. My extended family has been wonderful as well. Twenty-six fantastic cousins who all check in on me regularly, grandparents who send me books and text me to see how I am and aunts and uncles who are just incredible. My physical therapist is awesome, always excited to try to push me a little bit further and improve the strength of the tendon. It's cool to have someone be as excited as you are about the small movements and improvements. Lastly, my friends here in Oregon. There aren't many left, but the ones who are here have been so good about coming out of their way to entertain me, even when it meant we were sitting in bed talking about childhood memories or watching a movie.

I do plan to return to Santa Barbara after I can teach and train again, but I can honestly say I miss it. Santa Barbara has become my home and the people there are family to me. I can't wait to be back.