Thursday, September 11, 2014

Around the Corner!!!

Wow! So cool to see how many people are committing to the Flat Ab Challenge!! Even some of my awesome peeps in Santa Barbara are doing the challenge from afar and some people I don't even know have asked to join! You all are AWESOME! And you know what else will be awesome soon? YOUR ABDOMINALS. Get stoked!

Don't forget: You still have three days to spread the word! Get your friends involved! Spread the wealth.

If you are one of the people in North Carolina, Illinois, England, etc. who can't make it to Bend for the test in day, you can still participate! Send me a picture of your stomach (without it being covered) from the front, side and back. Wear as little as possible! Don't forget what you wore though, because you will need to wear the same outfit when we test out on October 15! After taking photos, have someone (friend, spouse, parent) measure your waist- that's the smallest part of your stomach where it comes in just a bit. Then do the plank test. Get on your toes and elbows and hold that position (with a flat back, straight body) for as long as you can. Time it and send me the results at

I'm so excited for you all to come out of this month feeling leaner, meaner and maybe even greener!

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