Thursday, July 26, 2012

Feet as Frigid as Ice

Ahhhhg I feel like an old man who has lost all function of his joints. Yesterday, I pushed hard at the gym. Weights are easy, body weight intense cardio circuits... not so easy. And running 5.5 miles downhill only to have to run back up that 5.5 mile hill to get back to the car? So my judgement is not so wonderful.

My grandma sent me a book titled Gold. In the second chapter, the sixty-six-year-old coach finds himself stuck in the bathtub because his knees have buckled up. After my run, I hopped in the shower and followed it with an ice bath for my feet. This time, I wasn't sitting in the Wind River. Nope, this time was a legitimate ice bath. My feet last less than two seconds before I had to pull them out of the water. Too cold!

Many of you are probably wondering what the purpose of an ice bath is. Why would someone intentionally torture themselves. Studies have shown that ice baths help runners feel less sore after a hard workout. I don't get sore though, so why would I partake in the tradition? Mostly because I was told it was a good thing to do. Turns out, my information might have been incorrect. Check out this article:

On to better news, I got to canoe with Sophie the academic group yesterday. It was awesome! I was in a boat with Melody and Tyler and we played Lockness Monster tag. I got to be Catwoman, Melody was the Black Widow and Tyler was Spiderman. Amazing. Sophie and I led them in a workout beforehand and stretches. They worked it! I love the academic group!

Brooks Lake

Mrs. Batman carrying a canoe by herself.

After canoeing, Tim, Sophie and I had a roommate date. We ate at the Cowboy Cafe and listened to Sophie play the piano. I love my roommates! Okay, so they aren't technically my roommates anymore since I moved into the tent alone, but my bike and clothes are still in the cabin so... roommates! Yay!

1 comment:

  1. Ice baths are so refreshing... after the first two minutes of torture. Once your entire body goes numb you cant even tell you've lost all feeling in every limb of your body!

    One more day!
