Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Remember When You Used To Be Skinny?

Have I earned the right to vent? Probably not, but for the first time in two weeks, I need to be sad for myself. Here's how this is going to go down: I plan to wallow is sadness for about 2 minutes, then I will count all of my blessings. Ready? Okay (claps her hands together like a cheerleader).

After swimming 2,000 meters on the Vasa swim, I decided to go stand on the scale. Weighing in every week is never a fun thing for me. I don't dread the numbers, but that number never seems to change, no matter how many miles I run, hills I bike or burpees I perform. Well, that number changed today. It changed by 7.8 pounds... 7.8 pounds ADDED to my original weight. WHAT?! But how?! I was juicing all of last week with my mom and Genna! I was healthy! I've been good, I really have! I was under my calorie goal every day last week. How is this logical?

I wrote my numbers on the board and looked at the differences between calories expended and calories in from the last two weeks. I definitely had been eating less (about 2,500 calories less), but I also had burned less (try 7,000 calories less). Despair. My greatest fear in life is that I will get fat. No joke. Even moreso than my fears of driving and of ice. It is something I dwell on daily. So I am just soaking in self-pity right now.

But let's turn that frown upside down, shall we?

My boss and his wife made me dinner because they knew I couldn't walk. My friend Chad and his wife made me a meal the next night. My mom flew all the way down to spend the week with me; that was a huge blessing. Caroline and Roger lent me their car. Deb and her husband lent me theirs. My lovely friends offered to bring me things if I needed them. Kim took out half of my stitches yesterday Clare brought me trail mix because she knew I trained with it. Torrey came down for breakfast on Saturday. Multiple people have offered me rides because they know I have no vehicle. My tri friends have checked in on me consistently for the past two weeks. Overall, I have been overwhelmed with the caring community I am surrounded by. It has been a huge reminder to me that this is where I want to be. I am so incredibly blessed.

Plus, I made the best purchase of my life yesterday, so all is right in the world.

My awesome purchase


Love friends who know me

New swimsuit! Something to look forward to!

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