Monday, October 7, 2013

My Takeover, The Break's Over

The doctor was wrong. He was so wrong. I knew he was wrong the moment he told me I would never run again.

Okay, that's a lie. When the words, "You will NEVER run again" came out of his mouth, I bit my tongue (because for some reason, I always think that will keep the tears back... it never works) and tried to mentally tell the redness in my cheeks to go away. After I left the doctor's office that day, I sat in the back of the car, crumpled into a little ball and cried like a drama queen with no audience. I remember wanting to scream and shout and get angry, but at the same time I just wanted to be in silence. Half of me wanted to be held and comforted while the other half wanted to be alone. I was a mess of emotions in a ball on the backseat. THEN I knew he was wrong. So I guess it wasn't immediate. 

But my physical therapist is awesome. He knew what he was doing. Being a competitive runner himself, he told me to listen to my body. For the first time since... ever, I did not push when it hurt. I did not try to run when I knew my foot would not be able to take the force of impact. I waited patiently. When I was given exercises that were dull and seemed like "time-wasters", I did them. 

And guess what? I went on a 10-mile trail run yesterday. My second run since my surgery. Two weeks ago, I did a quick 5-mile run with Nani and yesterday, Nicole joined me for 10. So take that, man who hit me, doctor who said I would never run again and my stupid anterior cruciate tendon! This is proof that hard work, determination, patience and perseverance PAYS OFF.

Watch out, guys! I'm ready to take over because my break is over!


  1. Congratulations Ashlee! Also, I love that Fall Out Boy is prevalent in this post. Since you're body is healing can I expect to finally compete with you in a tri? You were my first coach and all.

  2. Ahhh I am SO happy for you!!! Love you!
