Monday, January 6, 2014

Resolutions for a Bad Ass

Bad Ass. Yup, I used a bad word. I know, I know. Not cool. But you know what? The thing for which I was most proud of myself in 2013 was my Bad Ass attitude. With determination, I went from competitive athlete to immobilized raisin to overweight dreamer to Bad Ass Mother Runner all in one year. Okay, not mother because I don't have kids (obviously, running and I have decided not to take that step in our relationship yet), but still, I fought hard for what I wanted. With the help of my friends, family, a skilled orthopedic technician and some fantastic physical therapists (thanks Jason, Rich and Greg!), I am in the pool, on the trails and researching new bikes.

The fact that my ability to train was taken away from me has made me even more appreciative of what my body is capable of accomplishing. It is really cool to hear my dad tell me he was happy to see my running on the road. He is proud of me and I, in return, am proud of myself. My sister informed me that when my ability to run was taken away from me, she decided she would start running for me. She now loves running and it is all because of my passion and dedication. I know what I want and I am going to get it no matter the cost!

2014 brings the promise of another delightful year. We all know I have a 26 things to do while I'm 26, but I added a 2014 Resolutions Bucketlist to the mix. My goal is to accomplish something different every month of 2014. I have to do each resolution every day of the month. Below, you will find my new list, along with the progress on my 26 while 26 list.

Enjoy, peeps! Peace, Spice, Running and Almond Cappaccinos to you and those you hold dear!

January- Paleo

February- No sugar

March- Read the book of Psalms

April- Flossing

May- Random acts of kindness

June- Stretching

July- Being immersed in the Word

August- Letter writing

September- Camping

October- Yoga

November- Pinterest projects (right in time for the holidays!)

December- Home-cooked meals

26 While 26:

1. I've sent 4 letters/care packages.
2. I've done my 26 plus miles every week- easy cheesy!
3. I've been slacking on spending 26 minutes with God every day. Fail... need to restart.
4. I have yet to start taking my vitamins :/
5. No money towards loans. Whoopsidaisies!
6. I've gotten rid of sixteen items.
7. Two random acts of kindness. Hmmmm
8. No new Bible verses memorized. Eek!
9. Two new phrases in Thai!
10. I have yet to write my book, but I do have a title!
11. I've done my push-ups. No problem!
12. I haven't even attempted a 26-minute wall-sit!
13. So far I have run on 19 new trails in 3.5 months... that's not too shabby!
14. I've gone on 9 one-on-one friend dates.
15. I have not taken any yoga classes.
16. I have only tried two new recipes.
17. I have tried 5 new things.
18. I have given 38 epic highfives to 38 different people. 
19. I did a plank once this month and it lasted for 1:26 so I have some work to do.
20. I need to restart the 30-day yoga challenge.
21. I have yet to run a marathon this month. Gosh! What is wrong with me? ;)
22. I am working on my third art project/painting out of 26. I have a long way to go...
23. I have made 5 meals for my parents.
24. Surprisingly, I have only burned three CDs! Weird... I thought that would be the easiest!
25. I have lost 4.4 pounds. 
26. I have read four new books so far. Currently, I am reading one my grandmother sent me. Suggestions are always welcome!


  1. Immobilized raisin. Your writing KILLS ME! I LOVE IT! Please don't ever stop,

    1. Thanks, Miriam! I love your writing, as well! Even more than that though, I love you!
