Friday, March 30, 2012

I'm a Palm Tree!

An annoying chirping noise broke my sleep this morning. Usually I hit my alarm about 7-8 times before I actually get out of bed; however, this morning I knew I had to get up and get moving. I needed time to shower and go home to get my yoga mat before Drea's class. I was so proud of myself. I showered quickly, took care of the dogs, got my suit ready to swim afterwards and got in the car with 25 minutes until class.

"Wait a second, the sun is starting to come up," I thought to myself. "Usually it doesn't start to rise until after class. Oh... wait... is it... an hour later than I thought. It's now 6:40, not 5:40."By the time I got to class, it would already be over. Thank goodness I had my swimsuit in my car. I drove to the pool to find Summer life guarding. She greeted me with a huge smile. It helped motivate me to jump right in the warm water. Off I went. 300 meter warm-up, 200 meter kick, 200 meter closed fist drill, 400 meter swimming with a shirt on to work on force, 200 meter recovery swim, 250 meter kick, 250 meter cool down. An hour swim total. Perfect. At least I got some sort of work out in.

Next, it was time to teach at Fit Buddha. One woman showed up for class, so I gave Mindy one hell of a kick Buddha-y workout! Marcus was teaching, so after my class, he asked if I wanted to stay and take his Combo class: 30 minutes on the megaformer combined with 30 minutes on the bike. Totally made up for missing Drea's class. Well, to be honest, nothing could make up for missing Drea's class, but it sure helped me not to feel like a complete slacker.

I needed to go sign my time card at work, which meant I had to pass my favorite brunch restaurant. I could have resisted the temptation of a yummy soy latte and the gluten-free chocolate banana bread, but to be honest, I didn't want to resist. It sounded delicious and I needed some sort of protein, even though that wasn't the best source.

Last Sunday, my family came into town. It was wonderful to see them! Not often do I get to spend time with my three favorite people in the world. We had some great meals together, enjoyed a wonderful evening at church, said our goodbyes to Rebecca and went paddle boarding at the beach. Well, Sam went paddle boarding. Sam is Kaylee's goofy boyfriend. He fits right in with the family.

Waiting in line at Disneyland

When I first met Sam, I told myself I had to act normal so I wouldn't embarrass Kaylee. I am a dork. If you read my blog or know me at all, you know that I am the dorkiest of all dorks. I took my seat in the car next to Sam with my headphones on, staying quiet while listening to my music. The music was filling my head and carrying my mind away with its melody. I put my arms up in the air and waved them side to side. Sam looked at me. A strange expression crossed his face. I looked over at him and shrugged; "I'm a palm tree,"  I said matter of factly. So much for making a good impression.

Good news, Sam didn't judge me. And if he did, well, he loves Star Wars, so we're okay.


  1. So jealous I couldn't make it to Disneyland! Let's plan a trip for when our BFF steve comes home :)

  2. It's planned. You had better be there!
