Tuesday, March 13, 2012

All You've Ever Wanted To Know

Five Questions You Always Want to Ask a Triathlete:

1. What’s worth more? Your bike or your car and what do you ride?

At this moment in time, my bike is probably worth more than my car. Sometimes I get hesitant to put my bike in the back of my car when I'm going on a road trip because what if someone breaks into my car and takes my bike? Don't get me wrong, I looooooOOOOOoooove my Sweet Baby Sam (that's my car's name), but his brakes have had problems in the past and I've run him pretty dry. I ride the Giant Avail and I love it! She's so light and smooth, though I have to admit I get envious of other bikes. Especially when they are ultra-light and turquoise, like the Giant that Dani just got.  It's funny... we're never satisfied with what we have. We want, want, want and when we finally get, we want something else.

2. Who or what got you started in Triathlon? 

One of the gyms I work at has a triathlon training program. I would always see them training while I was working and wished I could be a part of their team. At the time, I was dating a man who was just getting into triathlons as well. He was a phenomenal swimmer and I was good on the bike, so we helped each other out while training. I joined my gym's team and signed up for the next race. Because I was nervous to go out there and compete alone, Josh came to support me and cheer me on. He let me borrow books about how to transition and what to take with you on race day. We did a lot of ocean swims so I would feel more comfortable in the cold, dark water. He was a huge motivator in my journey into triathlon.

3. Socks or No Socks? 

You know, I like to run with socks. I don't mind doing the bike without socks, but when it comes to the run, I need my socks. What I like to do is come out of the water (I never wear socks for the swim- haha), put on my cycle shoes and do the ride without socks. Then I come back where my socks are turned half inside out. By that time, my feet are fairly dry, so I slip the socks on before my shoes and away I go!

4. Music or No Music When you Train?

Suprisingly enough, I don't really listen to music when I train. I don't have the underwater casing for my Ipod and listening to music on a bike is never a good idea. Sometimes for long runs, I will turn on some beats, but I find that I go faster without music. When I do listen to music, it's completely random. I will throw in some country, some heavy metal, a little EDM... even some Sufjan Stevens! Whatever keeps me moving!

Bonus round…. favorite recovery food/drink?

I just started using ZipVit Recovery Drink Rapide. It's vanilla flavored. I also really enjoy digging into a burrito when I'm done with a hard workout.


  1. Awesome Post!!!

    1. I don't have a bike, so my car is the sweetest ride, unless you count my new AdiPure shoes :)

    2. YOU got me into running! I never would have guessed I would be this hooked. Thank you!

    3. Socks for sure, not too long and not too short, white or black only.

    4. Music for sure! Training indoors sucks without music... ESPN helps a lot too. But nothing gets me going like a little electronic music or some foreign zumba type music!

    5. Chocolate Whey Isolate protein shake with 35g sugar (Maltodextrin/Dextrose), some Cacao powder, and cold water! - customized at www.truenutrition.com
