Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wedding Invitation

Dearest Friends and Family,

Running and I have decided to get married. I know.. big step. We want you all to be happy for us. Following, you will find a slideshow detailing the history of how Running and I fell in love.

It all started when I was a young girl. Though I enjoyed being active, I would never have considered myself a "runner". Running pursued me, but I stayed FAR away from him.

In middle and high school, I started dating Volleyball. He was fun and full of energy and I thought I had finally found "the one". I bought knee pads and short shorts to impress him, but he always seemed disinterested in my attempts. Hours of laughter, tears, sweat and high-intensity interval training was spent trying to please him, but when it came down to crunch time, he just wasn't impressed with my overhand serve. Although my underhand serve was unstoppable, without a killer overhand, he refused to commit.

Every time I was late for one of Volleyball's and my dates, my coaches would make me run a lap around the gym for every minute. I hated that and the warmup laps. Nothing about Running intrigued me. He expected so much and I just didn't have the time, energy or desire to give him what he wanted. Little did I know, he only had my best at heart and expected these things from me because he knew they would make me stronger.

After Volleyball and I parted ways, I went off to college. A dear friend named Nicole reintroduced me to Running. We would go down to the track late at night after hours spent sitting in classrooms and at desks studying. I admired Running; Nicole had built him up so much that it was hard not to develope a crush.

The holidays came and Running and I parted ways. When I returned to California, it was difficult to find anything in common with Running. I had discovered new tasks to entertain me and I put Running on the backburner... for two and a half years. We would go on an occassional date, but nothing serious: Just catching up and seeing how the other was doing.

In the winter of 2011, Eva and Mavel, who were really close friends with Running, motivated me to pursue Running once again. I fell hard for him. I liked him so much, but he was still demanding so much from me: Time, pain, energy, commitment... things I wasn't ready to give. So we went back to seeing each other on occassion.

Then I met Josh and his caterpillar. In order to impress him, Running and I started spending more and more time together. Sometimes the three of us would hang out, but Josh and Running had a stronger relationship than I did, so I chose to see Running on my own time. We would spend miles together at the beach, along the cliffs, up in the mountains... I was gaining so much respect for Running and all of his admirers.

When I saw the film Unbreakable, I decided I needed to accomplish what Anthony and Geoff were accomplishing: I needed to run the Western States 100. I know, that is a HUGE task, but I was determined. I signed up for several runs in the year of 2012 and Running and I became more serious. The only problem with our relationship was I expected Running to know everything about me, but I wasn't making an effort to get to know Running and what makes him so great.

One of my role models, who I have mentioned several times, is Drea. She is a determined, successful, beautiful runner. Her blog is hysterical and she herself is a bundle of fun energy! ( When I began reading her blog last year, she was all about the numbers. Ohh... I ran a half marathon in 20:00. 1:34 pace. Okay, so she's not THAT fast, but she's fast. Five minute miles for an entire marathon. Git it, Girl! In her most recent blog, she returned to talking about her numbers. "I ran an easy 8:00 pace..." Easy. Easy.... yeah... That's my average. You suck, Drea. So I texted Sophia.

Me: "I ran an easy 8:00 pace..." eff you, Drea.

Sophia: True story. From running that "slow" her hammies were giving her problems. Another eff you Drea.

Me: Ugghhh I need to get serious about running. I'm sick of these Drea's and Rusty's and Joe's.

Sophia: But that's like all she does. She is nuts. She has a hubby who supports her. I'm pretty sure financially.

Me: I'll get married then I will become all about running.

Sophia: Ha!

Me: I'll marry the millionaire! Hahahahaha

Sophia: How did I know you were going to say that?

Me: I will just marry running!

Sophia: I wonder if anyone has ever tried that. 

Me: Haha. Ew. Probably.

Sophia: Then people will have to sponsor you. I mean you are married to running and all.

Me: Not yet. We have an on-again-off-again NCTO (Non-commital take outs) relationship at the moment. 

This conversation is what led me to realize I am ready for the next step. No more NCTOs... It is time to commit. I am going to begin studying Running's history, getting to know the people in his family, learning from his friends and finding things that make him happy. I'm totally serious about this. I know I said I would choose a social life instead of training, but honestly, Running makes me happy. He brings so much joy into my life and he leaves me feeling accomplished. He pushes me to be the best I can possibly be and he is always there for me, no matter what continent I'm on.

Some of you think I'm crazy. Well, I am. If you've read any of my blogs, you know this to be true. Hey, in the 70's, a woman married the Berlin Wall. Another man married a picture of himself. Why can't I marry Running?

So please, join Running and me as we embark on our great adventure.

*Please note: I am totally joking around, just trying to be clever and quirky. I am not truly "marrying" running. I am simply investing more time and energy into my training. These people who married inanimate objects were serious... I could never do that. Therefore, I will be keeping my last name. ;)


  1. Mrs. Ashlee Running.

    I like how that sounds! This has been one of my favorite blog posts! It's so clever and It was a really fun read! Not to mention, I totally understand where you are coming from... That's how I used to be with weight lifting which has recently turned into running... I wonder why?

    Anyways, I wish you and Running all the best and know the two of you have a bright future ahead... who knows, maybe I'll be a little Runners' godfather one day! ahahahha!

  2. Well if you marry the running that I married (16 years ago) then you will get up every day at 5am to get it done, you'll get your heartbroken over injuries and you'll get excited over success, you'll be doubted, you'll be tested, you'll be punished physically and mentally, and you'll find joy. You'll do it everyday- because you love it- you thrive in it. You'll find you don't get out what you put in. You'll find luck exists and success is personal. You won't get thanked by running- you'll do all the thanking. That the thing with passions- if it's important to you, you will find the time and energy to do it. Where there's a will, there is a way. That doesn't mean you get YOUR WAY. And people looking in on your relationship will always think the grass looks green. Well maybe it is- but that's because I WATERED IT. Get over the rich husband comments girls- it's sharp rocks on the trail.
