Monday, May 6, 2013

Arms, Back and Chest Workout

I promised I would upload one of my workouts. This is one that I designed for my friend Blake. It's a tough one. Enjoy!

Each movement in the main set should last for one minute. Let me know how many reps you completed and how much weight you used for everything. If you started heavy and dropped down or if you started light and added on, let me know that. Do the main set 3 times, no rest between exercises, 1:00 rest between sets, which should take 35 minutes.

100 Burpees (Do 10 perfect burpees, take a break, then do ten more. Continue this ten times with enough rest in between so that each burpee is perfect)
Main Set:

PUSH-UP T'SStart out in a regular pushup position with two dumbbells in each hand. As you push your body upwards, rotate you torso at peak height and bring your right hand up behind you so that your hands are in a vertical line. Lower the weight so that you are once again in push up position. Do a push up, repeating with your left hand.
Grab a dumbbell in your right hand and allow it to hang in front of you, between your legs. Lower the weight below your hips and let it swing between your knees. Try to keep your core stable as you explosively thrust forward, swinging the weight upward to chest level in a fully upright position. Repeat as many times as possible for one minute on the right side then switch arms and do the same for one minute on the left.
Grab a pair of dumbbells and hinge forward from the waist, back straight and parallel to ground, butt slightly out. With control, pull the wrights up to your chest, elbows back behind you. Hold for a count, lower the weights then lift the arms straight out to the side, drawing the shoulder blades together and hold. Lower. That is one rep.
You should know what that is
Get into a normal pushup position, but with your feet elevated on a box or bench behind you. Lower your body slowly on a count of five, then explosively pushup to the top of the plank, returning to starting position with arms extended.
Hang from an overhead bar. Pull your chest all the way up until it touches the bar then lower yourself. If you need to pause during the minute, that is okay. Just return to the movement as soon as you feel rested and finish with as many as you can. Let me know if you use wide, narrow, overhand or underhand grip.
Begin in pushup position with arms extended. Make certain core is strong. Lift the butt and tip the hips under so you have a straight line with your body. Press through the heels. Drop down to your right elbow, then left so body weight is on both elbows and arms are parallel on the floor. Press up onto your right hand, then left so you return to starting pushup position. Repeat, this time leading with the left side.
On the dip machine, lower yourself slowly and with control. Once you reach a ninety-degree angle with your elbows, explosively push yourself back up so that your body weight comes completely off of the bars. Try to land softly on your hands and start again.
Lift a heavy dumbbell overhead so that if you dropped it, it would land on the center of your skull. Bending the elbows, lower the weight behind you at a ninety-degree angle then on an exhale, push back up to the top so arms are extended overhead.
With a dumbbell in each hand, lower yourself into a deep squat, one weight at each side. Press through your heels to stand erect while you lift each weight with straight arms laterally then continue through to the top so each arm completes a semi-circle, meeting at the top. Lower the weights as you squat and begin again.

Cool Down:
Stretch- be sure to focus on every muscle group we worked


  1. This doesn't sound too safe to be doing on one foot...
    But what do I know? I'm just a doctor.
