Thursday, April 11, 2013

Ticking Bomb

Honestly, I think I was supposed to get hit by the car. I've been replaying the incidences that led up to that day over and over in my head. The loss of Sweet Baby Sam, having no car to get around in and using my bike as my main form of transportation, taking two yoga classes instead of one that day, declining an offer for a ride to work from Sarah, deciding to eat lunch before my ride instead of after because the friend I was supposed to ride with couldn't go, forgetting my helmet (which I NEVER do)... all of these things and more led up to the big crash. There is no way that this crash was coincidental. No, I believe there is more to the crash than just an older man forgetting to look left before turning.

Things that could possibly happen because of this crash:

1. I could get a gnarly upper body like Arnold Schwarzenegger's from doing so much upper body work.

2. I will become known around the world for my gnarly scar. They will call me Scar Leg.

3. I will gain 200 pounds and not be able to get in and out of my front door. They will install sliding glass doors for me to enter and leave by, but soon even those won't do. When I die, they will have to take me off the couch using a forklift.

Yes... I see a bright future.

But on a serious note, I think I have a lot to learn from this crash and I'm excited to figure out what it is. I have tons of books I will be digging my nose into (not literally... that's just weird) and so many people have offered to come visit me, which is beyond wonderful of them.

So, let's all raise our morning cup of coffee and say cheers! Cheers to health, happiness, the ability to use our legs and the sun shining on a beautiful new day!