Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I Have A Feeling This Will Be The Best Year Ever

I have finally reached a place in my life where I do not mind being alone. My entire life, I have ached for the company of other people. Going into the wilderness alone was not an option. Heck, going to the ladies room alone was not an option!

But something happened when I started running. Running opened up an entire new world to me. It gave me a chance to spend time one-on-one with God. It was just me, my feet, the path in front of me and God. I was surrounded by His creation and it brought immense happiness.

Being alone was still hard though. If you watch New Girl, there is a scene where Schmidt is running around his new apartment dancing and riding giddy-up on a broom pony. After less than a minute, he begins missing his old roommates. That used to be me:

"Yay! I'm out in the woods alone! Totally alone! Freedom!"

Twenty seconds later...

"Did you hear that? Was that a bear? I'm all alone! I hate this! I want friends!"

Ten seconds later...

"Thank goodness I can experience this stillness alone!"


"I wish I could share this view with a friend."

...You get it.

Fortunately, at the ripe young age of 26, I am totally content! I have not dated anyone in almost two years. Last Thursday, Friday and Saturday, I went on four solo adventures and had the time of my life! I was telling my friend Sam about how I chose to go out into the woods alone instead of to a party. He is a mountain man, so I thought he would understand, but he stifled a scoff  as I told him my what-I-thought-was-awesome story.

Life definitely requires solid friendships. A sunset is always a little bit better when you have someone to share it with. Community is crucial for growth. But, just as important is being content in the solitude of your alone time. Appreciate the moments you have alone with God. Appreciate who you are as an individual. Take time to reflect on your life and meditate on the simple pleasures that make you tick.

Two weeks ago, I turned twenty-six. I have composed a list of twenty-six things I would like to accomplish before next October. Some are easy (really easy!), but I need to have those easy ones in order to have small successes and motivate me to conquer the more challenging goals!

1. Send 26 care packages/letters to 26 different people.
2. Run/hike/snowshoe 26 miles minimum per week.
3. Spend at least 26 minutes in conversation or stillness with God every single day.
4. Take my vitamins for 26 days in a row.
5. Put $26,000 towards school loans this year.
6. Get rid of at least 26 items/belongings.
7. Follow through on 26 random acts of kindness.
8. Memorize 26 Bible verses.
9. Learn 26 phrases in another language.
10. Write a 26-page book.
11. Perform 26 full push-ups in a row.
12. Hold a 26-minute wall sit.
13. Discover 26 new-to-me trails.
14. Go on 26 friend dates with different people and pay for each one.
15. Attend 26 yoga or Pilates classes not taught by me!
16. Attempt 26 new recipes.
17. Try 26 new activities/foods/things that scare me.
18. Give 26 high-fives to 26 individuals.
19. Hold a plank for 2:60.
20. Do yoga/Pilates for 26 days in a row.
21. Run at least one 26-mile race (Ironman).
22. Create 26 paintings or pieces of art.
23. Cook 26 meals for my parents.
24. Make 26 CDs for 26 different people.
25. Lose 26 pounds.
26. Read 26 new-to-me books.


  1. Shlee:
    1. You know we must be friends, I made a list of 25 things I'm doing before 25. so eerie, because we didn't even talk about this, and some of your list is on my list!
    2. New girl spoiler?!

    1. 1. I want to see your list!!! What are the similar ones we have?!

      2. Whoopsidaisy! That never happened... I made it up... Surprise!

    2. 25 Things to Do Before 25 (No specific order)
      1. Pay off my credit card.
      2. Go on a spur of the moment trip to somewhere random.
      3. Go to Sequoia/Kings Canyon and Yosemite National Parks.
      4. Go through all my belongings and rehome things I don't NEED.
      5. Write letters to people who inspire me and set up mentor relationships.
      6. Go on 25 dates.
      7. Ride my bike from San Diego to San Francisco.
      8. Do a full tri.
      9. Get an article published.
      10. Jump off the wharf in SB or Crystal Pier in SD.
      11. Go ice blocking.
      12. Read 25 books that inform/challenge my beliefs.
      13. Take a self-defense class.
      14. Pay off two loans from college.
      15. Kiss someone at the SB courthouse.
      16. Try on a dress or article of clothing well beyond my budget, just because.
      17. Do a photo shoot.
      18. Stay up all night talking with a friend that I care about.
      19. Go to Mexico.
      20. Tell a crush the way I feel.
      21. Organize a flash mob.
      22. Do something artsy to memorialize past experiences.
      23. Give away 25 things that I like.
      24. Go skydiving.
      25. Go on a weekend trip.

    3. 1. May I ride from SB to SF with you?
      2. I can totally take you ice blocking! I've got some great golf courses here!
      3. I need to take a self defense class... how long have we been talking about this?
      4. I cannot help you with the kissing one... sorry, Buddy!
      5. Photo shoot! Photo shoot! I want in on that one!!!!
      6. Hahaha pull an Ashlee and tell a crush how you feel? I like it!
      7. Let's have an art date and do the artsy memorial thingy!

    4. 1. Are you moving back to SB, if so when?
      2. All right let's ice block in Oregon then!
      3. Yes, for way too long.
      4. Bumski. Maybe you can find me an eligible bachelor to trick into going to the courthouse with me.
      5. Um yes! If you're going to be in SB, between us there are so many camera buffs.
      6. Yes-this was Ashlee inspired.
      7. Sounds swell!

  2. Such an amazing list! You go girl.
