Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sweater Weather

A month has passed since I turned a whoppin' 26-years-of-age. The good news= I don't need a walker yet! The better news= I'm doing pretty well on my 26 list.

1. I've sent 4 letters/care packages.
2. I've done my 26 plus miles every week- easy cheesy!
3. I've been spending 26 minutes with God every day, though to be honest, this is the most difficult challenge to remember to do.
4. I have yet to start taking my vitamins :/
5. No money towards loans. Whoopsidaisies!
6. I've gotten rid of ten items.
7. One random act of kindness. Hmmmm
8. No new Bible verses memorized. Eek!
9. No new phrases in another language... come on, Thanittha! I thought you were going to help me with this one. Tonight when you come over, it's learning time!
10. I have yet to write my book, but I do have a title!
11. I've done my push-ups. No problem!
12. I haven't even attempted a 26-minute wall-sit!
13. So far I have run on 10 new trails in a month... that's not too shabby!
14. I've gone on 5 one-on-one friend dates.
15. I have not taken any yoga classes.
16. I have only tried one new recipe and it was for gluten-free oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. They were a success!
17. I have tried 5 new things.
18. I have given 25 epic highfives to 25 different people. I'm secretly saving my 26th highfive for someone awesome! Whoops! Okay, so it's not so secret anymore...
19. I did a plank once this month and it lasted for 1:06 so I have some work to do; HOWEVER, Jason had me do the plank after punishing me on the ball for an hour. My PT rocks!
20. I am on my 7th day in a row of yoga.
21. I have yet to run a marathon this month. Gosh! What is wrong with me? ;)
22. I am working on my first painting out of 26. I have a long way to go...
23. I have made 3 meals for my parents.
24. Surprisingly, I have only burned one CD! Weird... I thought that would be the easiest!
25. I have lost 1.4 pounds. Pretty sure it is all water weight, but whatever... WATER BE GONE!
26. I have read one new book so far. It was awesome. I was a fan. I should read more often...

I got out of the pool this morning before the sun had even risen. There was a light rain on my drive home and I smiled as I let the voice of Jon Foreman sooth my soul. Today is a sweater weather type of day. I cuddled up in a giant, totally unflattering sweater, threw on some jean shorts (31 degrees? That's a warm day!) and slipped on my Toms. Sipping my coffee on the way to work, I couldn't help but smile. Walking into work, I declared it was going to be a good day. My coworkers gave me grumbly pouts and we started our morning meeting. On the other side of the window, a rainbow sprouted from a field of weeds and pine trees.

A good sweater weather type of day indeed.

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