Sunday, April 29, 2012

KNEEd I Say More?


Yup, we're back here again.

Trail run, but this time it's later in the day. Bigger group of people today. Katrina, Anne, Susan, Noah, Josh, Jameisha and a couple of others I've never met.

We had an e-mail list going of who was coming.

"I'll be there." -Katrina

"I'll be there, if, and only if we can race (Katrina, that means you)... but I get a head start." -Noah

"I'm in." -Me

"Is that 'laugh at Noah as I pass him' Ashlee?" -Noah

"Yep, that's the Ashlee. Ashlee, 7 start time for us, but you might want to come at 7:30 to give Noah a little hope." -Katrina

Hahahaha. Oh Noah. "Noah, race you to the top for 200 burpees." -Me

Noah is a stud. He's one of the guys Josh does all his Tough Mudder stuff with. This guy is insane. They both are. And I'm going to run with them? I've done it before, but this close to Wildflower. Oh, it's on.

Okay, bad mentality. I got up to the trail ready and rearin' to go. We hit the path and Josh took off like a cheetah. Oh shoot. So, what did I do? Don't pace yourself, Ashlee. Go all out. Try to keep up with the beast. Show him how much you've improved. Bad, bad, HORRIBLE idea. I'm running hard and I make it about a quarter of the way before my knee completely gives out.

Listen to your body whisper and you'll never hear it scream.

You know when you're in a tight, enclosed space, like an elevator and you don't really want to talk to your friend because you know everyone will hear you, even if you whisper? Well, my knee was doing one of those awkward whispers, the type of whisper that everyone can hear in detail because, by golly, it is not a whisper.

"Shhh, knee. Shush. Just keep on keeping on."

"But Ashlee, it hurts. See? Twinge, tweak, kah-reen, cramp."

"Yeah, I feel it, but I can't let Josh think I'm a whimp."

"Okay, I'll try. Fooled you! I'm not going to try! I'm going to twist and blow out on you and cause you severe pain starting in your mid-back, running across your gluteus maximus, into the gluteus medius, down the IT band, along the quad, all up in that knee, down the gastrocnemius and ending in your pinky toe."

"My pinky toe? Really."

"Your pinky toe."

"But why?"

"Maybe you should stretch more. Put that foam roller to use."

"But knee..."

"No buts... only butts... feel that left glute? Mmmmm hurts so good... fooled you again! Hurts so effin bad!"

"I'm going to keep going."

"No, you're not."

"But I want to reach the top in 40 minutes flat."

"You didn't pace yourself earlier and you lost your energy stores. And remember that hike with Sophia yesterday? Well, you didn't stretch afterwards."

"You're right, I didn't."

"You got in a car and drove to Solvang."

"Yeah, I know, but I really want to make it to the top in under 40 minutes before I move to Wyoming."


"Darn you, knee!"

1 comment:

  1. Solvang... thats nothing... Steve n I are gonna have to take a trip to Wyoming! :)
