Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Chlorine: The Breakfast of Champions

We all love a little chlorine in our mouths, right? The stench of it staying on our skin throughout the day is what motivates us to keep on walking until we can get back in the water, correct? Or maybe not. I realized how much training had taken over my life the other night at dinner when Jameisha said, "Ew. I still smell like chlorine; do you?"

My response? "Chlorine is my new perfume". It was a quote I had been sent earlier in the week, but it described how I felt perfectly. Honestly, I don't even notice the smell of chlorine anymore. I must wreak of pool water.

This morning I started the day training Dani at the track. As soon as she finished her run, I began mine. The plan was eight minutes of race pace followed by 2 minutes walking recoveries three times. It was simple. The best part about it though was it was my first time running in over a week! I'm running again! And I was faster than I thought I'd be. Not fast, about a 8:45 minute/mile, but I didn't expect that after a week off. The recoveries felt wonderful. My knee didn't bother me, though it did feel tight at the end. Another great thing about this run was it was my first run in my new Brooks; yes, the new racing shoe. I had to break them in eventually, right?

When I finished my run, I decided to swim. I only had 24 minutes to swim, but I swam hard. I worked on speed skills and I could definitely feel my arms working as I tried the new tips Josh had given me. I beat my usual 50 yard time and still had a couple of seconds of recovery. That was definitely a plus.

Today I trained a man with dementia and it was the most stressful thing I have ever done on the job.

Okay, okay... I know you are all sitting on the edge of your seats thinking, "Gosh dangit, Ashlee... tell us about your recovery day!!!" You know what, readers? It was fantastic! I worked for a few hours then came home and made a quesadilla. Sarah came and picked me up and we went shopping. We goofed off at Sports Authority and Bed, Bath and Beyond then ate frozen yogurt and talked about renting a house together.

Afterward, I went to church with Rebecca and Kent. It was a fantastic sermon about how God knows us before we are knit together in our mother's womb. The speaker's words were a great reminder of how God knows our past, our present and our future; we don't have to worry because he is in charge and has a fantastic plan for our lives. I must keep this in mind when my big race comes up!

These past 52 hours have been very trying and stressful emotionally. I feel totally depleted and unmotivated. When I get that way, I paint. On Monday, after my classes, I had a long lunch break. It was a rainy day and I actually had time on my hands, so I called my dear friend Kristina (there's your shout-out, Kristina!) and we caught up on life. Ahhh! I LOVE LOVE LOVE talking to Kristina. She is such a great encourager and listener. She inspires me and loves me and understands me. I miss her so much! I vented and she listened and gave her input. Then she told me all about her life in the LA area. She said she was looking at the painting I had made her for her birthday. Kristina and I have more than just our European adventures and our love for boys in common.We also are obsessed with spending too much money at LuluLemon. For her birthday, I painted her a purple canvas with light blue lettering with one of Lululemon's old motos: "Travel. Floss. Sing. Dance." These are all things we have done together. I loved that painting so much, I almost kept it for myself (haha), but I decided not to be selfish. I'm glad she loves it.

Anyway, her mentioning my painting reminded me that I need to paint a new piece for behind my couch. This was the perfect day to do it. I pulled out my paints and my canvas and my brushes and began. It started with a basic oval and an inspiration from my favorite artist, Heather Shinn:

Finished product

Then I taught more classes and trained Richard at the track.


  1. Psalm 139 - one of my favorites. It must have been a great message. Keep running hard and I'm sure that chlorine stench will be covered by sweat! lol. By the way, the painting turned out amazing!

  2. looooooove you =) I thought about you and your blog my entire run today. =) im so proud of you
