Sunday, January 22, 2012

Wind Happens

LuluLemon has these water bottles with quotes like, "I run because I really, really, really like ice cream". Although cookies and lattes may be more of my downfall, I can totally relate. I'm starting to wonder if I really enjoy working out or if I just eat too much junk and need to burn it off.

Yesterday morning was our first Killer Pilates class. I had 19 people show up! The room was jam-packed! It was such a great group of people and everyone did so well. This morning, some of the participants came back telling me they were feeling muscles they didn't even know they had! That is such a great feeling. Nothing inspires me more than to hear someone say I kicked their butt.

Yesterday's weather was win- wait for it- dy! I had told my tri group to come prepared for a bike ride. When I arrived at the meet-up spot, Dani was there with her bike, but she looked hesitant.

"Are you sure we have to ride," she asked, looking at me like I was crazy.

"Do you want to swim," I teased, knowing how much she hates the pool.

"No," she smiled.

So I taught her how to pump up her tires and off we went. The ride out wasn't too bad. I kept the lead and told her to follow me and stay in heart rate zone 2 the whole time. When we got to the turn around spot, the wind picked up... right in our faces. We rode 12 miles uphill against the wind all the way back. It was torturous. Dani drafted off of me the entire time. I wanted to turn around and yell at her to get off of my back, but everytime I turned around she would giggle and say, "I'm drafting off of you!"

Huff. Huff. Oh my gosh, my knees are killing me... "Yup," I replied. Gosh dang it, woman! There were a couple of times I thought about getting off of my bike, sitting on the road and telling her to ride back and come pick me up, but I realized as her coach, that probably wouldn't be the smartest idea. Haha. So we rode hard. Well, I rode hard while she drafted. A big hill came and I charged it, leaving her in the dust. Ha! Take that! Then I felt bad. So I let her draft the rest of the way...

For you non-cyclists, you are probably wondering what drafting is. I will let this website answer that for you... pictures included!

So that was my morning ride. We finished and I still had a run and a swim to complete, so I went to the indoor pool because I knew Josh was working. When I got there, Jameisha was walking down the hallway and we decided to swim together. But the pool was packed and I tried to make up excuses not to swim. Jameisha wouldn't let me quit though. I had to circle swim for awhile, which I'm terrified of. I think one of the guys in the lane with us realized he wasn't quite as fast as the other gentleman and myself, so he got out after my warm-up. I swam 3400 yards. I did it! And I practiced flip turns with Denise and Jameisha! I'm so glad I stayed!

I met up with Evan, Jameisha, Sophia and Josh for dinner afterwards and it was wonderful. Such a great time to fellowship and be with friends. Looking around, I realized I haven't hung out with my friends in... months. Sure, Sophia and I run. Josh and I swim and eat to refuel and shop for new gear. But very rarely do I just settle down and spend time with friends. Doug keeps asking me to surf, which I haven't done in a very long time, but I'm always training. It was so nice to see my friends faces and just sit.

This morning I woke up and I decided today was a day of rest. If God can rest on the seventh day, I'm sure he wants me to rest as well. I know this upcoming week is my rest and test week, but I think my knee will appreciate a break. I told Josh this and he laughed. "Yeah, good luck with that," he responded. He doesn't believe I'll take the day off. I think I have to anyway though because I'm out of clean workout pants. Time to do laundry and eat frozen yogurt with Sarah! More friend time! I love it! Wish me luck!


  1. That's the best excuse I have ever heard to not workout... "I've worked out so hard all week I have no more clothes left"... Awesome!!! Enjoy your rest and get healthy so you can continue to kick butt and motivate!
