Thursday, January 12, 2012

Never Regret Your Failures

“Perfection is never an option, it’s literally just trying to do your best every day”. These were the words my friend and boss told me this morning during our devotion. After the funk day I had yesterday, I woke up needing some inspiration. When my alarm went off at 6AM, which is sleeping in for me, I thought it was an accident. There was no way it was already time to wake up; however, the alarm was not lying. I snoozed the clock for 40 minutes then finally rolled out of bed to make my latte and eat my momma’s granola.
My boss’ door was open, so I thought I would check in with him since we’ve both been so busy lately. We chatted then read a devotional. His words were truly motivational during this season. He spoke of the importance of doing your best and letting God take care of the rest and finding peace in that. For me, I can apply that to everything I do. First, my training. I am giving it all I got, but I can sleep at night knowing that no matter the outcome, I can be happy knowing that I tried and his will be done. This next 5 months, I will be training hard every day to compete at the top of my game at Wildflower, but so will the other competitors. I can only compete against myself and to my best ability.
Second, these words apply to my job. Shomari was worried I would grow weary from working all the time… and he was right. Almost every day I wish I could go backpack around Hawaii or pack up and move to Australia or Switzerland for a few months, but I need to live day-by-day. Today I am where I am for a purpose. I need to be the best I can be at everything I do, which means keeping a smile on my face, calling my mom more often, sending my sister letters occasionally and keeping in contact with my best friend. It also means returning phone calls promptly (grumble, grumble, grumble), not making commitments I can’t keep and prioritizing my time.
There’s my new 2012 resolution: To do my best and let God take care of the rest. Also, if I'm doing my best, I don't have to regret my failures, I can rejoice in my growth from the experience.

1 comment:

  1. Spoken like a true fighter. Keep fighting the good fight girl! And now that your secret is out, I'm for sure going to hold you accountable! I will definitely be there to help you run farther faster and to say no in due time.
