Thursday, May 17, 2012

Who Let The Dogs Out

I can't believe Thursday is already here. Only two more days and I'm on my way to Wyoming, or as Matt likes to say, WHY-oming?

I really want this necklace. So perfect for me!
This week has been filled with good food, great company, packing and, of course, some awesome workouts!  I've been riding my bike around a lot, testing out my beautiful new wheels and getting some mileage in for "Cycle MAYnia" week. That's been fun. Okay, I have to admit, my wheels don't make me that much faster, but sometimes I like to pretend they do so I can feel like my money spent was worth it. It probably was not a good decision to buy them, but the boys just made it sound like such a great deal, something I would be a fool to pass up. I swear, money just likes to fly out of my bank account.

On Tuesday, I rode my bike to work to teach one final circuit class. Right before class began, Sabina gave me one of her "Lucy-you've-got-some-'splaining-to-do" looks. "So, Ashlee," she said in an accusing tone. "I hear you are leaving us." Uh-oh. I've been caught. I sort of brushed it off and called over my shoulder as I continued to set-up for class, "Oh, just for three months. I'll be back." I figured if I didn't allow the thought of leaving to set in, I wouldn't have to worry about it. "Where are you going," she asked. "Oh, just to Wyoming," I shrugged it off again. "Okay," Sabina said under her breath. "This isn't working." She walked over to me to demand my attention. "Why are you leaving?" Tears filled her eyes as she told me how much she was going to miss me. C'mon, Sabina, don't make me cry... I tried to keep conversation short and concise so I wouldn't have to think about it. After class ended, all of the members lined up so I could give them the URL for my blog (hey ladies!). One of the women told me she has lost 50 pounds since she started my class and began swimming a couple of months ago. I was so proud of her and excited to see how much her workout improves while I'm away! I just love my entire class and am going to miss them so much. I could tell this was going to be a long week of goodbyes.

After work, I rode my bike up to the Battle's house for homegroup. It was a small gathering that evening, but it was so good to see everyone. I told them all about Wildflower and my trip and what I would be doing. They prayed over me and it was amazing to hear the kind words they had to say. Even though I've only known these people for a few months, they have so much love for me and so much excitement for my life. I didn't want to say goodbye. I walked out to my bike, holding back the tears.

Wednesday morning was my final 6AM cycle class. I brought the dogs to class. My class loved it! They had never experienced the barking dogs mix Rich made for me and they worked hard getting away from those dogs. Every time they heard a dog bark, they had to pick it up to zone 5, even during recovery. It's a hard class! I burned over 600 calories doing it.

5:00 Warm-up
5:00 extended warm-up
1:00 zone 2, 1:00 zone 3, :30 zone 4 (x2)
5:00 zone 4, 1:00 zone 1
4:00 zone 4, 1:00 zone 1
3:00 zone 4, 1:00 zone 1
2:00 zone 4, 1:00 zone 1
1:00 zone 4, 2:00 zone 1
1:00 zone 4 standing, 1:00 zone 1 standing (x4)
:20 zone 2, :20 zone 3, :20 zone 4 (x6)
1:00 zone 2, 1:00 zone 3, :30 zone 4 (x2)
5:00 Cool-down

Jameisha and I had our Wednesday morning coffee after class, then I went to teach my last aerobics class for active older adults. I didn't tell them it was my last class though. I really didn't want to have to say goodbye to that class because, to be honest, that could be my last goodbye. When working at retirement centers, you never know when your final goodbye will be.

I dropped by SB Running to say goodbye to Nash and Nick, then picked up my SB Tri Club kit from next door. Woohoo! New smart wool socks, tri suit and jersey! Afterwards, Mom, Sarah and I had Los Agaves for lunch then Mom helped me clean my apartment. When I say "helped" me clean, I mean she cleaned my apartment. My mom is so good to me and I am so bad at cleaning. It was amazing how beautiful the place looked by the end of the day.

Two of my favorite people

That evening, I taught more classes and said even more goodbyes. Sarah brought me a note, sweet peas and a gift card for Los Agaves. She told me that her husband said I bring a positive aura to the gym and I make working out fun, not a chore. Those words really touched me. Then Loric told me that Kim refuses to go to Pilates unless I am teaching it. Kelly won't be at Pilates on Saturday because her son is graduating in San Diego. I am so bummed that she won't be there for my final class. She has been a die-hard since day one. I made my evening cycle class do the same workout I had my morning cycle class do. Jason was drenched in sweat. Head-to-toe. He may have cussed out my dogs. But, hey, he burned almost 1,000 calories, so I'm okay with it.

After cycle, I drove over to my other job and taught my last Pure Awesomeness class. We did sprints, weights, abs, and glutes. When I do glutes, I do glutes. Oh, the boys were so unhappy with me. After announcing that there would be no water break and we were going to repeat the glute set, Austin said, "I'd rather do 200 burpees like we used to do." Challenge accepted. "Alright," I announced. "If you would like to do 200 burpees instead of the glute set, you are welcome to do so!" To my surprise, Austin stood up and started doing burpees. Doug soon joined in. Are you kidding me? You would really rather do burpees? Well, after the way Austin made me sweat on Tuesday, I figured I could give him a little perspiration. Holler!

When I got home, my mom had locked herself out of my house and had been waiting outside for two hours. See? I'm not the only one who locks herself out! Must be genetic! I made her watch Unbreakable with me so she could see what inspired me to run an ultra. If you haven't seen it, please, please, pretty please watch it! You won't regret it!

Scofield has been extra cuddly lately. And she is soOOOOooooOOOO cute! Whenever I start walking, she will follow me and try to hug herself around my foot to try to get me from leaving. She actually hopped in my box while I was packing. She wants to go with me, but there will be no bears eating my Scoffie this summer!

Trying to pack herself in my things

This morning's classes were all right on the money. Great classes, fun people, wonderful comments from members... I'm really going to miss everyone so much. I feel like I made a huge mistake choosing to leave and go to Wyoming. I just hope this is a great experience!

My mom came to my 12:15 cycle class today. Okay, side note: My mom does not sweat. She never has. She overheats, but she does not sweat. Not even Rich-the-Powerhouse (my inspiration) can make her sweat. Today, using my barking dogs CD, I made her sweat. Yup. She came up after class and pointed to her shirt. No way! Woohoo! I am a monster! I make the impossible happen!

Richard suggested I creat a workout tape like Suzanne Somers or Jillian Michaels have. I really like that idea, but I don't know if it would sell. I think I'll have to make a name for myself first. Last night, I got a text from Josh telling me I train too hard. "Yeah, I know," was my response. "And my body hurts really badly, but people love me for it!" His response? "Is it worth not being able to walk in a couple of years?" Okay, Dad. Yeah, I think my dad has said the exact same words, but I really want to make that name for myself. You don't get famous for placing 1,018 or whatever in a triathlon. Someday, my name will be known in multiple states, not just Oregon and California. Haha. I wonder if they'll know me in Wyoming by the time I leave. Oh man... I think I have a problem. Time for a 19-hour drive to get my mind off training! Except I'm taking four books about triathlon, one about running and one about cycling with me. Eh... I'll find other interests someday.

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