Thursday, May 31, 2012

Get the Mouse Out of Here!

Adventure lured me to Wyoming. Fear built a wall between adventure's and my romance. Friends have helped bring adventure and me back together again.

Adventure #1: "Does anyone want to go on a hike," I walked out to the firepit after dinner and asked the group sitting there. Everyone just looked at me, their eyes lacking any form of expression other than confusion. Were they confused that I wanted to get out of the kitchen finally?  "Please," I begged.

"I'll go," Margo finally chipped in. "I won't be fast because of my boot, but I'll go." Margo got turf toe a little before camp started. She's been in a boot ever since.

"That's okay," I said, enthusiastically. "I just want to go on an adventure! I'll go fill my water and we can go!" I walked into the kitchen and chatted with Anne. "I'm going on an adventure, Anne!"

"Good for you! High five," she skidded across the kitchen to give me a powerful tiny hand high five. We chatted a little while and when I finally walked back out, Margo looked at me with a very guilty look.

"I'm not going to go," she informed me. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! "But," she continued. "I think anyone able to walk should go. Use those legs!"

"Alright, I'm in," said Katy.

"Okay, I'll go," Tyler said in his thick North Carolina accent.

Slowly but surely, Matt agreed to go as well. The boys went to their tent to get their things and Tucker was in there on the phone (I swear that thing is glued to his ear). They told him we were going hiking and good ol' Tucker was in for the adventure. Thank goodness there is someone here that is always willing and ready to adventure with me. I walked into my cabin and Tim was sitting on his bed. "Want to hike with us," I asked him.

"No, but I'll walk down to the office, which is on your way," he responded.

Let's do this. Down the hill we walked. Up the trail we climbed. Over the plains we looked. Beautiful. Gorgeous. Wish you were here. Wow. I live here. I really live here. Wow.

My view every day

Tim walking off into the sunset

Tim left us there, but the rest of us continued. I went ahead of the group for a bit (I have a hard time going slow when I hike. I try, I really try, but it's just not acceptable), but Tucker caught up soon and we chatted about Veggie Tales and miniature giraffes and how badly he wanted to see a bear. We did not see a bear; however, we did see a fox and deer. Of course we saw deer. They are everywhere. And these are not normal deer, they are like the deer on I am Legend, just uber creepy and gnarly looking! They almost look like they could eat you if they decided to become carnivores. I bet I would taste funny... like peanut butter, bananas and beet juice.

But speaking of miniature giraffes... I want one.

So, we continued our hike up up up and we looked for bears. With five people hiking around making a ton of noise, there was no way we were going to find bears, but I don't think I was ready to have my first encounter anyway. Being the leader, I kept taking us further into the woods... the path less traveled, right? When I have people around, I feel so much more comfortable exploring these woods. It's actually really funny because I never get nervous when I trail run in Oregon or California, but I am freaked out to be alone here. Especially running. I mean, I'm the cook at a camp, so I already smell like old bacon grease then add me running alone in the woods and what do you have? A feast for the bears! Come and get her, little cubs! Yummy yum yum. Bacon scent, peanut butter flesh, beet juice blood and banana meat. Is it bad that I eat a banana with peanut butter every day of the week? I'm really missing my Bob's Red Mill Organic Rolled Oats. Bob, if you ever stumble upon this, will you please sponsor me as an athlete so I can eat your organic rolled oats every day of the rest of my life? Thank you kindly.

Adventure #2: The days have truly started to blend together. I don't really know what day is what anymore, but I'm pretty positive the night after our hike we all went to town. Yes, that is correct. This was... two nights ago? Sophie, Tim and I climbed in her Subaru Edna and made our way down the hill. Remember those mangy deer? Well... Sophie imagines they are all mobsters. Yes, mobsters. She started speaking in her best mobster accent. "Ey, ey you! Whatcha lookin' at, eh?" (That might have read Canadian, but it did not sound Canadian. It was definitely an attempt at Italian mobster lingo.) Tim joined in. "Ey, mahn, who invited Blondie?" He was referring to me. He did not sound Italian. He sounded incredibly Jamaican. They continued exchanging deer remarks until I couldn't take it anymore. "You guys are terrible," I admitted. And into town we drove.

As Edna neared the huge Jackalope in town, I looked at Sophie. We exchanged a look that said, "We should make Tim ride the giant Jackalope." Yes, our looks say a lot. We rode the jackalopes on our date last Monday. It was time for Tim to give it a go. "Shoot," I told her. "I forgot my camera... Hey, Tim," I said in a louder voice. "May I see your iPhone?" Of course he wanted to know why. "So I can take a picture of something." Hey.. it wasn't a lie! But he wouldn't let me see it. So we drove past the ceramic giant. Sophie and I exchanged another look that read, "Aw man... we have to make him ride that thing... let's go back." So we drove to the end of town, passed the group of new people we were going to meet at the bar and drove back to the gas station with our rabbit-like friend. Tim refused to get out of the car. "Get out," Sophie and I both tried to use our army sergeant voices, but Tim was too manly to drop to the ground and obey our orders. I gave him puppy dog eyes. "Please," Sophie asked. "What is wrong with your face," Tim asked me. "Do people actually fall for that in California?" Uhhmmm... yeah.

We failed. Tim did not get out. Sophie and I were real men and rode the Jackalope last Monday. We have balls. Not real balls. But nerves. You know what I mean.

Loving the red white and blue!

Ride 'em, Cowgirl!

 To the bar we continued.  Once inside, we met up with Johan, Tyler, Matt, Zito, Katy, Maria and Tucker. We all went outside to watch the boys play horseshoes. I don't know what happened, but somehow I started laughing. Not laughing, squeaking. Oh mouse laugh, why must you haunt me so? As people teased me, Tucker's little Virginian accent came through the crowd of laughter, "Hey, I like her laugh. I hope she never changes it." Yeah, like I have a choice.

 We left the bar fairly early and went back to camp. Sophie started a fire and we sat outside talking until after midnight. It was freezing out, but it was so nice to be near the warm flames, exchanging stories with a new friend. Nicole joined us around eleven and we all went hunting for more wood. I just love those girls and how much they make me laugh.

Adventure #3: Hiking with Anne and the boys. Anne went to Walmart with me the day before and we totally bonded. Aw man, I just adore that little lady! We have so much in common and it's nice having someone who understands my need and desire to train. Walmart was so much better with her there, though it was still a quest. How much food can 14 people eat in one week?! And what will it be like when I'm shopping for more than double that?! Thank goodness for Anne's help and her amazing organizational skills.

On our way home, we decided to go on a hike together the next day since we both had time off. We were supposed to go in the afternoon, but somehow, it turned into a morning hike. She made an announcement at dinner for anyone to join if they so desired. The next morning, Tucker, Tyler and Matt met us at the covered dining hall. Off we went! Up to Lake Louise. Oh my goodness!  Amazing! It was gorgeous and the company was phenomenal. We all told jokes and riddles and took photos. I gave Tyler a new nickname because he is such a mountain man. His new name is.... drum roll, please... Grillz! Like Bear Grillz. And he responds to it when I call him. I love it. Dude, I love hanging out with Tyler. He is just a nut! And he has so many fun stories. And jokes. Great jokes.


Anne and Me at Lake Louise

Tucker, Anne and Me at Lake Louise

Lake Louise

When we got back to camp, Grillz (from here on out, you will not read the name Tyler on my blog... that is no longer his name), Matt and Tucker climbed into Sweet Baby Sam and we drove to Jackson, passing buffalo and the Tetons along the way. "Ashlee," Tucker said. "You are the only girl I know who actually has good taste in music." "Is it meese," Grillz asked. "Or moosen?" Aw man... why is Grillz going to California?!?!  It was a long drive, but spending time in Jackson was so worth it. Grillz, Tucker and I walked all around Jackson, getting lunch at Betty Rock, coffee at Pearl Street Bagels and a brand new North Face jacket at Skinny Skis. Seriously, I was freezing. I needed the jacket.

The boys left to go back to Jackson in the van we picked up at the airport, but I wasn't ready to go home. I spent a little more time enjoying the scenery of Jackson before climbing in the car and driving back to Dubois. It was like open season on the road back home. I saw a moose, antelope, buffalo and deer all within ten minutes. They all looked incredibly mangy up close (side note: Sophie just read this and exclaimed, "Exactly! Mobsters!"... I guess she's right. But I hope they don't speak with that accent when they talk to each other). I'm very surprised none jumped in front of my car because they were all literally on the road or about to step on. It was crazy!


I got back late as Tucker and Grillz were leaving to meet everyone else at the Outlaw Saloon. I decided to stay and prep breakfast since we were eating so early the next morning. Nicole came in the kitchen and for some reason, I just started crying. I had no reason to cry, but sometimes girls just need to cry. I felt ridiculous. Sophie must have heard me, because the next morning (that would be today), I walked in the kitchen to find that she had prepped everything for me. The kitchen was beautiful. The coffee was ready to be brewed. It was the most amazing gift anyone could have given me. I just love Nicole and Sophie. I don't want to describe their relationship with one another (just because I don't want to make you readers feel uncomfortable with stories of kisses on the forehead by the fire, quotes like, "She's the love of my life in a best friend sort of way" and that sort of thing), but they are the cutest best friends.

Adventure #4: Today, I took wilderness first aide training in town with all of the staff. It was super fun. I got a black eye, a bruised back, a bloody forehead, a red punk rock streak in my hair and a pale face. I learned a lot, but mostly, I enjoyed getting to know the new staff. Kasey with her great sense of sarcasm. Mackenzie- the west coast is for sure the best coast! Nani (pronounced Na-neye) who has done triathlons- yay! Seriously, everyone is so wonderful! There are more new staff than just those three, but those were the three I promised to mention. Oh hey girls, hey!

There was one point where we were supposed to beam Brock up from in between in a tree. There were seven of us, one of him. Easy, right? Or not... He positioned himself into a V-shape in the middle of two trees. It was so awkward trying to get him up. I put myself in the middle of the pack; on the count of three, we were all supposed to lift him without causing any movement of the spine. "One," Caroline counted. "Two, three!" We all lifted. My hand pushed up on his butt. Grrrrrrr! No movement. Well, this is awkward.

Adventure #5: Anne and Margo made dinner since I was in class all day. It gave me time to catch up with Weston. Oh, I have missed him so. We talked for a good chunk of time about Wyoming and his job and training. I hope he can come visit me this summer. He would love it here! So would Steven. Give them guns and things to shoot at and they'll be happy boys. My happy boys. I miss my happy boys. My best friends. Awww... I really miss my boys.

Fortunately, I have good friends here as well. Sophie and I forced Tucker to rush through his seconds at dinner so we could go on a hike. Within the first minute and a half, Sophie wanted to get a photo in front of the mountains. I handed Tucker my phone. He began squatting up and down, trying to get the perfect reflection of the mountain range in the background. But his squatting just left me squeaking. And the mouse is back. We finally gave up on getting a good photo and continued to hike. We found the spot where the mobster deer hang out. How do I know they hang out there? Because they left many presents all over the grass. How do I know about these presents? Because Tucker is a loserfish and threw the little bits of deer poop at me. I ran away screaming like a little girl. No, like a banchee. Banchees scream, right? A horrific, high-pitched scream? Yeah, that was me. I continued to run and when I turned around to see how far Tucker was from me, he and Sophie were kneeling on the ground, holding their sides, laughing hysterically. "Come back," Sophie yelled. "He's done!" She turned to Tucker, "Wait, are you really done? Because I don't want to lie to her if you're not." 

I came back hesitantly. Those two make me laugh harder than I've laughed in a long time. Every time I'm with them, my sides ache like there is no tomorrow. I am so grateful for the time I've been able to spend with the two of them. We have made so many amazing memories together and I know there are more to come.

We continued our trek down to camp. Tucker knelt down and picked up another piece of deer poop. Supposedly, I shoved Sophie into the line of fire and ran as fast as I could away from Tucker. I didn't even realized I had pushed Sophie. I think as soon as I saw what Tucker was picking up, I just knew I had to get out of there fast. Nothing I did was a conscious decision. It was fight or flight and there was no thought behind my actions. The only thing on my mind was RUN. So I ran. And I did not get hit.

We heard noises and realized we were back at camp. We had hiked maybe half a mile? Wow... that was productive. I have to admit though, it was one of the best hikes of my life.

Cheers to adventures in Wyoming.

1 comment:

  1. Baby giraffes, crazed zombie deer, and gargantuan jackaopes... it looks like Steve and I need to make a trip to wyoming to take care of all that wildlife roaming around there :)

    Not to mention we get to hang out with you :)

    Your adventures look amazing!
