Sunday, May 20, 2012


I should have known Mom and I would never leave on time. When I planned to leave after Pilates, I knew the plan was a little unrealistic, but I thought it wouldn't be too long after that we got on the road. Three hours later, we were finally loading the car. Goodbye little house. You will be missed.

"We need to run by the Janke's and return their videos," Mom said. "And Katie's to drop off this extra food. And Bob's to get your paycheck."

Of course we weren't leaving town yet.

Confession: I didn't really say any goodbyes. I made a point of pretending like I was only going on a short vacation, which I am, but this vacation is a lot longer than my month in Europe last year. Plus, who knows which bear is waiting to eat me. I may never return. My point? Oh yeah, you were waiting for that, weren't you? My point is I tried not to say goodbye because I would rather say see you later, alligator. One: It sounds cooler. Two: No tears are shed. I was forced to say goodbye at work. I didn't cry until I got home and read the letters members gave me and looked at the amazing gifts they showered me with: Gift cards, $200 to Lululemon (oh, they know me so well), money, scarves, shampoo and body wash, bear spray... Maybe I should go away more often.

I was forced to say goodbye to Rolf when I dropped off the movies. "When are you taking off," he asked. "Right now," swollen, puffy eyes looked into his and tried to resist tears. "Okay, bye! See you in three months!" What? No See you later, alligator? Yeah, I never actually used those words on anyone.

Those were the only people I said goodbye to. Other than that, I just texted people as I was leaving the town border. Goodbye, Sophia! Goodbye, Mavel! Goodbye, Doug! Goodbye, Sarah! Etc, etc, etc.

But it wasn't actually time to leave town yet. Nope, Mom and I needed coffee. Handlebar? Oh yeah! So, I had to say goodbye to Kim and Aaron, too. "I put some good mojo in your coffee, Ashlee," Kim told me. "We'll miss you. Have a safe trip and a wonderful time in Wyoming. Come back soon." Oh Kim, you are too cute for words.

Back in the car. Time to leave town? Nope! Time for REI. Then Backyard Bowls. Now time to go? Yes, time to hit the... oh wait! I forgot my winter coat! Gotta go back to the house. Grumble, grumble, grumble.

Hi House.  I thought you were leaving. I was, I forgot my jacket. Oh, that was dumb. Yeah, it was. Maybe you shouldn't go to Wyoming. Maybe you are right. Okay, I'll stay. No, you need to go. But I want to stay. But you made commitments. Dumb commitments. Should have thought about this two weeks ago when you said yes. Dumb me. Yup. Okay, see ya, House.

Time to drive. Traffic? Traffic. All through town. Nonstop. At least it gave me more time to look at the ocean.

Next stop? Surprise visit to Kristina!!! That was the best surprise I could have asked for!

While we drove, Dana texted me facts I needed to know about Wyoming. I thought I would share.

1. Wyoming is the least populated state
2. Wyoming is the tenth largest state
3. It is nicknamed "The Cowboy State". Good thing I like country music.

4. I will be in the mountain time zone
5. Wyoming's borders are defined by longitude and latitude, not natural landmarks. It is one of three states that is defined this way.
6. The guy she is dating smells like spaghetti (that has nothing to do with Wyoming, but it cracks me up and needs to be shared publicly. Sorry, Day)
7. Yellowstone was the world's first national park and became a national park on Dana's birthday! Ah! It's meant to be!
8. Their state motto is "equal rights" and it was the first state to let women vote. Too bad I'm not registered. (Did I just admit that to everyone everywhere? Yup.)
9. The state dinosaur is the triceratops. Suh-weet!

10. Jackson Pollack is from Wyoming. Dude, awesome!

11. The state sport is rodeo. Who would have guessed?
12. They have a lot of bears there. Yogi bear is one of them. Roger and Dana both told me to stay away from Pic-a-nic baskets. Haha. Clever. "Yogi" by the Ivy Three (1960), sung in a voice mimicking Yogi bear, reached number 8 on the Billboard Hot 100. Hmmm... Are they crazy? Let's find out...

Please watch the following link, you will not regret it:

Okay, so maybe you regretted it.

1 comment:

  1. Another fun fact about Wyoming...

    It's where one of my best friends lives... which far from laguna niguel :(

    Looks beautiful and I know you're gonna find some beautiful trails to run on... or make your own
